Blockchain technology is a tool with a variety of use cases. It can be used to liberate humanity by removing the parasitic, centralized entities who seek to control us, or.. it can be used against us by those same power structures; which would potentially lead us down a path to tyranny.
In a sense, blockchain is like a gun. It can be used by tyrants/criminals to rob, harm and control people, or.. it can be used as a mode of defence by good people against those who wish to do them harm.
There’s likely going to be an upcoming power struggle between good and evil in the coming years, with blockchain technology being leveraged by both sides.
Central bankers and paid off government agents will attempt to use it to tighten their grip on control, while us non-insiders will use it to develop alternative, decentralized solutions to evade their net of surveillance.
Imagine a world where these individuals, whom you’ve never met, have the ability to monitor every single transaction you make, and even shut you out of the system if they deem you non-compliant.
That’s the goal they have in mind with the “cashless society” they want so badly, so it’s important that we stay vigilant and ensure that we’re lot lead into the technocratic control grid they plan on implementing – complete with Digital ID’s and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s).
That leads me to the first of the five most exciting uses for blockchain technology I can think of…
1) Complete Disruption of the Financial Industry
What’s wrong with the financial industry you may ask?
On the surface, it doesn’t seem so bad. Every time I walk into my bank, I’m pleasantly greeted and whenever I’ve had an issue, the customer service reps have gone above and beyond to sort things out for me.
That’s not where the problem lies.
The low level operations of the banking system are carried out by seemingly kind people, who may have the best of intentions.
These positions are compartmentalized, so there’s no need to concern themselves with he underlying, more sinister mechanisms in which the system is built upon.
For starters, banks are essentially playing a modified, high stakes game of musical chairs.
It’s only when the music stops that the shortage of chairs becomes apparent, and someone takes a hard fall.
In the case of the banks, for every 10 dollars you deposit, they usually only have to keep 1 dollar on hand in cash reserves.
What happens to your other 9 dollars then? Well, the banks can loan it out to someone else and earn interest on it.
It’s called fractional reserve lending, and it works (to the benefit of the banks), so long as there remains a small amount of people who want to cash out.
If confidence in the system eroded, and there was a run on the banks (which has happened many times), the banks would become insolvent.
The system is fragile.
Add to that the fact that in many countries, banks have re-written their terms of use, enabling them to carry out “bail ins” using customer deposits.
And what is a “bail in”?
Remember, back in 2008, when the government” bailed out” the banks at the expense of taxpayers?
Well, a bail-in scenario would offer a more direct route and allow the banks to simply confiscate a portion of customer deposits.
They already did it in Cyprus and called it a “haircut”.
Was that a test-run for what’s to come? Could be..
I’d prefer not to be over-leveraged in the banking system in case it is.
Moving up the financial pyramid, we have the central banks.
Many are surprised when they come to learn that most of the world’s central banks (including the federal reserve in the US) are privately owned entities.
The federal reserve is about as “federal” as federal express, and there are no “reserves” to speak of (not since Nixon unpegged the dollar from gold back in 1971 anyway).
The owners of these banks are able to create an unlimited amount of “money”, as it’s all just paper or digits on a screen.
They then loan it to governments, and the citizens of the nation are on the hook to cover the interest payments.
Seemingly all countries have a massive national debt, and people know this.. but very few question who the debt is actually owed to.
To get a more thorough understanding of how this central banking system works, check out a few of the videos linked in this article.
The main takeaway for now, is that this privately controlled debt-based monetary system gives the centralized entities way too much power and control, and to reiterate that point, here’s a now famous quote from Amschel Rothschild; a member of one of the families believed to be at the root of it all..
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws”
We need a new system, and cryptocurrency provides a viable alternative.
2) Tracking Charitable Donations
This is a big one. When we donate to charities, we trust that the recipient (usually a centralized intermediary) will be honest and make good use of the funds.
Unfortunately, things don’t always work out as intended.
For example, it was alleged that the red cross only built 6 homes in Haiti after receiving half a billion dollars in donations following the earthquake in 2010. 6 homes!
Whether that’s true or not, I can only speculate.. but I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
Regardless.. now we have blockchain enabled smart contracts which can completely eliminate the need for 3rd party trust.
Once applications are developed and implemented, we’ll be able to give directly to our intended recipients (not always currently possible due to the lack of banking infrastructure in the 3rd world), or, if a 3rd party charitable organization is involved, we’ll be able to monitor the inflow and outflow of the funds, ensuring that embezzlement doesn’t occur.
3) Passing Knowledge and Documenting Historical Events
This is perhaps the greatest use case for blockchain that nobody is talking about. The blockchain itself is a distributed, immutable ledger.
It can be used to track transactions, sure.. but it can also be used to track all sorts of other information as well.
Many historians speculate that prior civilizations were more technologically advanced than we give them credit for.
The great pyramid of Giza is one such landmark that sparks debate, as the intricacies of it would be hard to replicate, even today.
Did the Egyptians have advanced knowledge? They were clearly proficient in mathematics, physics, geometry etc.
What if there has been ancient knowledge that has been lost, simply because it wasn’t passed down from generation to generation in an effective manner?
How much further along could we be as a civilization?
Or, what if ancient knowledge wasn’t “lost”, but rather.. what if it was intentionally suppressed?
Much of what we know beyond our own experiences was spoon fed to us by governments via the indoctrination camps (sorry, I meant to say “public schools”), as well as the media.
Thankfully, the invention of the internet has allowed for the free-flow of information, though censorship has been ramping up recently – which is a trend that will likely continue.
Because, you know.. we need to combat “disinformation” and “misinformation” (according to the attendees at the WEF meetings, that is).
So, it begs the question.. if we’re now witnessing censorship in real time, what sort of information has been suppressed from the past?
Are there natural cures being hidden from us? Most likely.
Has important historical information been wiped off the record? I’m sure of it.
Think about 9/11 and the collapse of tower 7.
It was NOT included in the official report, and for good reason.
The fact that a 3rd tower collapsed a free fall speed that day without being hit by a plane is an inconvenient blunder that they’re attempting to hide. You can learn more about it here.
Will future generations be taught about it? Absolutely not.
Luckily, the use of blockchain technology can ensure that such information won’t be wiped from public record.
4) Voting
The blockchain, being a decentralized immutable ledger, is a perfect solution to end election fraud.
Every single vote could (and should) be tracked and verified.
Will the powers-that-be ever allow such tamper-proof technology to be implemented?
Perhaps.. but only because politicians are usually just well-trained puppets put in place to give people the illusion to choice.
Different wings..same bird.. same direction, but I digress..
It would still be a slight improvement to the archaic hand-counted ballot system we have now, and when a true outsider is able to get into the mix (a Ron Paul type, for example), he/she would have a better chance of pulling off an upset.
5) Tracking Government Expenditures
I think people would be outraged if they knew what the bulk of their money was being spent on.
Yes, you get roads, police, trash collectors etc…. but such services (which you likely consider useful) only account for a small percentage government expenditures.
If you’re in the United States, a huge portion of your money goes towards funding never-ending wars, and paying interest to private bankers for making loans to the government.
If you know nothing of the central banks (who owns them and how they came to be), I would highly suggest watching this video. Be warned though, it’s a big eye-opener and you’ll probably get pissed off.
Anyway, using blockchain to enable the average person to see exactly what their hard earned money is being spent on would likely raise a lot of questions.
“NASA is getting over 60 million dollars per day? Really? How many times have they been exposed for lying to us now”?
I imagine a lot of similar questions to be raised…
“114 million for Obama’s vacations? WTF!”
You get the idea.
Wrapping It Up
These are just 5 examples of likely dozens, if not hundreds of ways blockchain technology can be utilized to reduce corruption and make the world a better place.
But, as mentioned at the start of this article, blockchain can also be utilized by the powers-that-be (the very people we need to dis-empower), to tighten the grip of control they have over us.
We really need to stay vigilant as this all rolls out.